Bootloader Progress

Following a catastrophic loss of the bootloader work to my sheer negligence, I've gotten it back up to where I last left it. The bootloader is responsible for initializing the hardware and it has not been easy getting this far, but at the moment, everything is working except the 68K bus. That is, of course, the most important thing Buffee needs to do, but it sure wasn't everything the bootloader needs to do.

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All the Plans of Mice

So we have a LOT on the go right now trying to stay ahead of the chip shortage. I'd like to say that it's coming to an end, but we all know that's not true. Some chips have started showing up on sites like DigiKey only to almost immediately disappear within days. It's shocking and it's probably still going to be late 2023 before this settles down.

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Adventures in Big Endian

Wow, what a journey; to start with the Beaglebone finding big-endian worked fairly well to find out its completely broken on Buffee and that big endian is completely unsupported on the AM3358, something the people at TI will repeat in their support forums again, and again, and again. But it's all a lie and big endian does work … perfectly. So what's up?

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